5 Death secrets discussed by Lord Shiva with Parvathi Devi

No one can escape from death,  in view of Yama the rich man, the poor, every one is same. every one  will experience the punishment for sin. 

However, the distractions and attractions in our life tend to keep us away from this truth. Although, one shouldn’t even keep thinking about death as it can bring negativity in life, but people should also not forget that karma gets back at everyone. Therefore, it is important to be away from the feeling of superiority and more important to help others in whatever way we can.

Arriving to the point, as per ancient scriptures, there are many secrets mentioned about death, which have Lord Yamraj discussed with a child named Nachiketa. 

When Nachiketa went to meet Yamraj, he asked him to grant him three wishes. In his first wish, he asked for his father love, second wish was to know everything about ‘Agni Vidya’ and the third wish was about death and ‘Aatmagyan’ (Self-realization).

Yamraj tried hard not to fulfill the last wish, but Nachiketa was insistent. Finally, Yamraj agreed to reveal secrets about death and what happens after it

Yamraj told Nachiketa that Om (Onkar) is the swaroop of Parmatma. The heart of a human is the place where Brahma resides.

According to Yamraj, after the death of a human body, his soul does not die. The soul has nothing to do with body’s destruction. It is neither born nor does it ever die.

When a human dies, he finishes the cycle of birth and death. This is when he gets free from the birth and death cycle which is known as Brahma.

Yamraj even said that those who do not believe in God search for peace after death. Apparently, their souls keep looking for peace.
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